The term ‘information asset’ incorporates the definition of official record as defined by section 3(1) of the SR Act, and includes information data and records, in any format (whether digital or hardcopy), where it is created or received through the conduct of government business.
How to audit information assets.
Development, implementation and improvement of an Information Management Program.
Standards and guidance on the management and control of information assets. To ensure agencies achieve their business objectives and meet requirements under their legislative and policy obligations.
Under section 15 of the State Records Act 1997, State Records can survey agencies compliance against the Information Management Standard.
Practical guidance on how to develop an Information Management Plan.
The steps to implement an Information Governance Program.
The governance of information for South Australian State and Local Government agencies and Universities is established in the Information Management Strategy and the Standard.
Advice for agencies to meet their requirements under the Government's Information Privacy Principles Instruction, Premier and Cabinet Circular PC012 (IPPI).
A principle-based approach to managing the privacy of personal information.
What is information privacy to you as a public servant or member of the public?
Guidance on the Information Sharing Guidelines regarding the sharing of personal information by State government agencies.
Page last updated: 3 August 2022