This information provides guidance on the management and custody of information assets during administrative change and the caretaker periods and elections.

The term ‘information asset’ incorporates the definition of official record as defined by section 3(1) of the SR Act, and includes information, data and records, in any format (whether digital or hardcopy), where it is created or received through the conduct of government business.

Elections or decisions of the Government of South Australian, such as ministerial  portfolio reshuffles, agency/portfolio mergers, or new legislation, can result in ‘administrative changes’ to South Australian agencies.

An ‘administrative change’ refers to a change in the responsibilities for the  administration of government functions.

These changes can occur as a result of:

  • a function being transferred from one agency to another
  • a whole agency being transferred from one portfolio to another
  • the permanent abolition of an agency/function within Government
  • the abolition of an agency/function within Government through sale/privatisation
  • a new agency being established, or
  • Government undertaking new functions.

When such changes occur the information assets relating to the function in question  must be transferred to the new agency responsible to ensure a seamless transition of a function and to ensure that business and customer needs are met.

The Managing Information Assets During Administrative Change Guideline has been developed to support agencies in managing information assets whilst undertaking administrative change, whenever this may occur.

For managing freedom of information (FOI) applications when an agency functions change refer to the Managing FOI Through Administrative Change information sheet.

Transfers of information assets

Refer to the Transfer Standard and Transfer Process for information about transferring permanent information assets to State Records.

Unsentenced records

Wherever possible information assets should be sentenced at the time of creation. Where this has not occurred, information assets should be sentenced before moving to offsite storage.

In limited circumstances an exemption can be sought for approval to store unsentenced information assets at an approved service provider (ASP). Approval needs to be obtained from State Records prior to moving the information assets.

Agencies should be aware that storing unsentenced information assets at an ASP comes at a cost and the fees for retrieval (temporary or permanent) or sentencing by the ASP can be significant.

Minister's Office guidance before, during and after caretaker periods and elections

The following documents provide advice about information management practices for Ministerial Office information assets.  Information assets created or received by a Minister or a Ministerial Office in the conduct of business are information assets, regardless of format, and must be managed in accordance with the State Records Act 1997.

The Information session with Minister's Offices

The information session provides more details on these document.

Minister's Offices information session

For broader advice about government operations during caretaker periods and elections, refer to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet Caretaker conventions advice.

Page last updated: 28 September 2022